Monday, February 07, 2005

Currently listening to...

The Shins. Chutes Too Narrow

I've been really into this band since I saw Garden State (quickly becoming one of my favorite movies by the way). They have two songs on the soundtrack
, both off the first album Oh , Inverted World. This album engendered comparisons to early Beach Boys, which I didn't really get. Not that I disliked the music - I just didn't see any similarities to Pet Sounds.

With Chutes Too Narrow, I want to level-jump on the rock-and-roll icon comparison scale. Beatles comparisons are generally over-used, and under-realized, but the feeling I get when I listen to this album is a lot like early Beatles albums. The CD is chock full of 3 minute long poppy songs with a tremendous variety of sound.

Obviously writing about music isn't my forte, so I'll stop trying. It suffices to say that I recommend you pick up this CD at once. Check out the Pitchfork review.